Driver B

Stakeholder Participation

Structure daily operations as continuous learning

To achieve equity at scale, learning leaders facilitate robust, democratic stakeholder participation in decision-making, implementation, and improvement. This participation helps learning leaders diagnose and respond to emergent needs, intuit environmental changes, and identify and take advantage of systems change opportunities.

Creating the structures and conditions for ongoing and deeply integrated stakeholder participation is complex and challenging work; true democracy always is. But by ceding central control and cultivating shared responsibility for decision-making across a broad coalition of stakeholders, learning leaders forge the authentic relationships and feedback loops necessary to support durable transformation tailored to the needs of each community.

Dig in below to learn more about Stakeholder Participation, explore learning leadership in practice, and reflect and take action to improve your own work!


In Practice

Reflect & Act

What's next?

Driver A Treat every strategy as learning

Driver C Measure process and results to drive equity and improvement

Driver D Build a democratic knowledge management cycle

Companion GuideDevelop Your Theory of Leadership