About the Leading through Learning Playbook

The Leading Through Learning Playbook is a resource for those seeking transformative change.

Launched by the Center for Public Research and Leadership (CPRL) at Columbia University in Summer 2022, the Playbook grew out of partnerships with schools, districts, state agencies, and education-support organizations committed to advancing equity by striving for ever better day after day. With their help, CPRL developed, tested, and refined the Playbook’s core framework and content, conducting: 

  • Interviews and observations with over 90 leaders from 40 organizations

  • A 2-year formative evaluation of the Networks for School Improvement (NSI), an initiative of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation 

  • Strategic support and technical assistance and prototyping with school district central office teams and network hubs

  • A yearlong feedback process with a set of advisers and reviewers representing nine education-focused groups, including network hubs, school support organizations, and school districts

  • Interactive learning sessions at national and regional conferences

Through this research, the concept of Leading Through Learning emerged. This Playbook helps develop learning leaders who:

1. Learn alongside those they lead

2. Enable their system to strive for ever better 

3. Are explicit and transparent about their approach to leadership


About CPRL

The Center for Public Research and Leadership (CPRL) at Columbia University strives to revitalize public school systems while reinventing professional education. CPRL conducts high-impact research and consulting projects for its clients in the education sector and provides rigorous coursework, skills training, and real-world experiential learning for its graduate students who attend programs at Columbia University and across the country. By design, CPRL has the opportunity to collaborate with and coach learning leaders in various systems and to learn from and develop learning leaders through its work with graduate students.

Since its founding in 2011, CPRL has provided research and consulting support to state agencies, school districts, charter school organizations, foundations, and advocacy groups, completing 200 projects and counting. More than two-thirds of CPRL’s 500-plus alumni work in education and other public-sector leadership and management roles.

Four members of CPRL’s team coauthored this Playbook: Elizabeth Chu (emc2170@columbia.edu), Andrea Clay (ac4362@columbia.edu), Ayeola Kinlaw (ayeolakinlaw@gmail.com), and Meghan Snyder (mes2302@tc.columbia.edu).

A team of CPRL graduate students also contributed greatly to the conceptualization, design, and development of the Playbook: Calia Anderson, Amayo C. Bassey, Janelle Jack, and Kirk Murrell.


Thank you to the following organizations and networks for shaping the Playbook and for their inspirational models of learning leadership:

  • Bank Street College of Education
  • Denver Public Schools
  • Educate Texas 
  • High Tech High
  • Institute For Learning
  • New Visions for Public Schools
  • Northwest Regional Education Service District
  • Partners in School Innovation

Additional thanks to Ben Daley, Tiffany Deines, Tracy Fray-Oliver, Nikki Giunta, Kate Haisten, Sarah May, Anthony Petrosky, Sofia Tannenhaus, Chris Thorn, Brianna Wilson, Christie Wilson, and countless others who contributed their time and expertise. 

This project was made possible by a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. We are grateful for the guidance and support of the foundation’s staff. The findings and conclusions contained within are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect positions or policies of the foundation.